
Raising Awareness

The easiest and most preventive solution is to raise awareness around the world about the dangers of pesticides and the risks they hold, to push people to support more organic produce instead of heavily chemical ones.

Natural pest repellent (NIFA) 

Studies are being conducted to process a natural pest repellent which will be harmless to human beings and other creatures in the cycle of life. NIFA is an organization that funds research and education projects in biobased pest management. If this is produced probably, accidents could be reduced by 60% and many lives would be saved in the process.

Solution for Run-Off pesticides

A solution for run-off water from plantations after precipitation is reverse irrigation canal that would lead all the stray water to a UV Water work machine. A UV waterworks machine is a purifier that catches all the UV light and points it towards the water, eliminating the pesticides and bacteria present in the liquid. Made by Doctor Ashok Gadgil. After the water is purified it could be kept in reserves as drinking water.

All of this would be funded by the government for the safety of it’s people.



“NIFA Funds Lab to Develop Natural Pest Repellent.” NIFA Funds Lab to Develop Natural Pest Repellent. Web. 22 Jan. 2015



The building of pesticide plants causes a lot of controversy and feud between the population where the plant will be built, eventually causing a rapture between the people. The building of plants will also only benefit the rich, since the average income for an employee at a pesticide plant is extremely low, even if it’s very hazardous. This causes a social issue and a very unbalanced rich/poor axis.


The mixing and production of pesticides is also very expensive  since it is a considerably long process. Many chemicals have to be mixed to form one pesticide, and each pesticide plant employs thousands of people. This takes its toll on the economy since the pesticide business is rather large and millions are paid every year to produce the proper amount of pesticides for countless plantations to use. Pesticides in water are also harmful to the animals present like fish. Countless fish have died on the edges of pesticide plants due to lack of oxygen and irritation in the respiratory system, and this affects the fishing industry since the fishermen will not be able to catch enough fish to support them and their families, eventually bringing down the economy.


This creates dangerous situations since there is so much corruption in the pesticide industry. Money is valued over safety, and this creates many incidents and lawsuits due to corners being cut. It also creates feuds between the company and the producing country where the plant is.


The Bhopal Disaster.

Bhopal is the capital state of the state Madhya Pradesh, which is located at the center of India. It is mostly a jungle region filled with fifty-five million people. Bhopal was city full of hills and valleys, and it was occupied by nine hundred thousand people. It was greatly over populated, and was  always crowded and polluted.

Union Carbide is a corporation that produces chemicals and was first incorporated in India in 1940 when it began producing batteries in eastern India. It employed over ten thousand people. In 1969, Union Carbide build it’s 14th chemical plant in Bhopal, at the very edge of the city. The Bhopal plant imported and distributed pesticides and fertilizers in India and East Asia. This means that highly toxic substances would be produced on the premises. Many of the Local indian leaders objected to the building of this plant, fearful that a chemical accident could wipe out the large population living in the slums.

Eventually, the plant was built, and the objections were overruled. The Majority of Bhopal’s residents did not mind the pant but did not quite understand the risks and possibilities of this chemical plant. Over the course of 15, there were many minor accidents, deaths and injuries, yet they were all overlooked by the people of Bhopal.

On December 2,1984, a large tank of MIC (Methyl Isocyanate), which is an intermediate chemical in the production of carbonate pesticides (used in rubbers and adhesives) had begun to boil and and had burned through the concrete of the tank.  Most employees ran for their lives, trying to escape the deadly fumes. The plant’s five major backup systems all failed, due to malfunctions and unpreparedness. Alarms rang throughout the entire city, and everyone began to flee. The deadly cloud followed them throughout the city, people trampled whatever got in the way, those who fell were kicked aside or stepped on. Most were blinded from the irritation in their eyes and could not see a thing. Everyone began to run south, and that was the direction that the wind was blowing in, so the fumes followed them, claiming thousands of lives in the process.

Three days later, it was announced that there were approximately 7,000 deaths from the deadly gas, and over twenty thousand injuries from the gas and from the violent run that occurred . Overtime, many others died from corrupted lungs from the toxic fumes.

Yet 31 years later, Bhopal is still in danger, and people are still getting sick, due to the pesticides that seeped into the surrounding lakes during the gas leak. People who are continuously exposed to the water in Bhopal for a long period of time are shown to develop lung-related illnesses such as pulmonary or lung edema, bronchial pneumonia, and different cancers. That was the long term effect of the Bhopal gas leak.


Diamond, Arthur. The Bhopal Chemical Leak. 1st ed. Vol. 1. San Diego, California: Lucent, 1990. 64. Print.

Mukherjee, Suroopa, and Raghu Rai. Bhopal Gas Tragedy: The Worst Industrial Disaster in Human History, a Book for Young People. Chennai: Tulika, 2002. Print.

bhopal gas096

Pesticides in the environment (Their Effect)

When pesticide is being sprayed, a great deal of it somehow ends up in the water cycle. There are many ways that this happens. The most common way is the run-off pesticides that end up being carried by the wind, into the closest body of water, infiltrating it directly. The second way is through precipitation. When it rains on the plantation, the water that hits the plants and the soil runs off with different types of pesticide mixed into it, and when it rejoins the water cycle, it has brought a great deal of chemicals with it. The pesticides also evaporate and join the water cycle thanks to the heat and through the clouds, and seepage into the ground water reserves.

Over time, large amounts of pesticides have made their way into our systems, and are slowly corrupting the water that we are drinking. Pesticides in the environment can also cause climate change in the area and will be the cause of death of countless amounts of marine life, due to the infiltration of the pesticides in their respiratory systems, making them unable to breathe properly. This will affect the food chain, if animals continue to die, putting all living creatures at risk.


Rules and Regulations

In many countries, the pesticide regulations are not followed accurately and corners are cut to save money, time, and effort. This usually results in a large group of injuries over the years.

Many Accidents have been caused by empty pesticide containers being used to store water and food. An empty pesticide container can never be cleaned or be completely cleared of the highly toxic substance that used to be in it and should be disposed of right away, once and for all.Pesticides have the ability to be absorbed through floors and to burn through any type of solid material once it is boiling and is above the temperature that it should be kept at.

There are many leaks caused by rough handling, where the employee is simply unaware of the mistakes that he is making since usually the company they work for has not invested enough time to teach them the correct ways of handling pesticides carefully. Most of the population  is unaware of how to handle a large pesticide leak and how to protect themselves from heavily toxic gases.


Spills, Leaks and Disposal of Containers and chemicals” Spills, Leaks and Disposal of Containers and chemicals.Web.18.Jan.2015.



A pesticide is any substance used to kill, repel or control certain forms of plant or animal life that are considered or said to be “pests”. Some pesticides can be extremely toxic and could have a very negative effect on humans. There are two types of pesticides. Firstly, biological pesticides are things such as fungi and bacteria that are already present in our cycle and can be used to our advantage. Secondly, chemical pesticides are human made, chemically developed substances that are made in a plant or factory by large companies.


“Effect of pesticides” Dr Groups Natural Health Organization living Blog. Web. 18. jan. 2015.
