

The building of pesticide plants causes a lot of controversy and feud between the population where the plant will be built, eventually causing a rapture between the people. The building of plants will also only benefit the rich, since the average income for an employee at a pesticide plant is extremely low, even if it’s very hazardous. This causes a social issue and a very unbalanced rich/poor axis.


The mixing and production of pesticides is also very expensive  since it is a considerably long process. Many chemicals have to be mixed to form one pesticide, and each pesticide plant employs thousands of people. This takes its toll on the economy since the pesticide business is rather large and millions are paid every year to produce the proper amount of pesticides for countless plantations to use. Pesticides in water are also harmful to the animals present like fish. Countless fish have died on the edges of pesticide plants due to lack of oxygen and irritation in the respiratory system, and this affects the fishing industry since the fishermen will not be able to catch enough fish to support them and their families, eventually bringing down the economy.


This creates dangerous situations since there is so much corruption in the pesticide industry. Money is valued over safety, and this creates many incidents and lawsuits due to corners being cut. It also creates feuds between the company and the producing country where the plant is.


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