Rules and Regulations

In many countries, the pesticide regulations are not followed accurately and corners are cut to save money, time, and effort. This usually results in a large group of injuries over the years.

Many Accidents have been caused by empty pesticide containers being used to store water and food. An empty pesticide container can never be cleaned or be completely cleared of the highly toxic substance that used to be in it and should be disposed of right away, once and for all.Pesticides have the ability to be absorbed through floors and to burn through any type of solid material once it is boiling and is above the temperature that it should be kept at.

There are many leaks caused by rough handling, where the employee is simply unaware of the mistakes that he is making since usually the company they work for has not invested enough time to teach them the correct ways of handling pesticides carefully. Most of the population  is unaware of how to handle a large pesticide leak and how to protect themselves from heavily toxic gases.


Spills, Leaks and Disposal of Containers and chemicals” Spills, Leaks and Disposal of Containers and chemicals.Web.18.Jan.2015.


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