Pesticides in the environment (Their Effect)

When pesticide is being sprayed, a great deal of it somehow ends up in the water cycle. There are many ways that this happens. The most common way is the run-off pesticides that end up being carried by the wind, into the closest body of water, infiltrating it directly. The second way is through precipitation. When it rains on the plantation, the water that hits the plants and the soil runs off with different types of pesticide mixed into it, and when it rejoins the water cycle, it has brought a great deal of chemicals with it. The pesticides also evaporate and join the water cycle thanks to the heat and through the clouds, and seepage into the ground water reserves.

Over time, large amounts of pesticides have made their way into our systems, and are slowly corrupting the water that we are drinking. Pesticides in the environment can also cause climate change in the area and will be the cause of death of countless amounts of marine life, due to the infiltration of the pesticides in their respiratory systems, making them unable to breathe properly. This will affect the food chain, if animals continue to die, putting all living creatures at risk.


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